If for some reason problems in terms of "male power" have started to emerge, then this should be seriously considered and certain steps taken to rectify the situation.
Now medicine has a large number of pharmacological agents for male potency in its arsenal. This is, of course, great, but don't forget that there are also natural products that help improve a man's potency.
Unfortunately, not everyone knows what foods to use to increase male potency. Let's try to understand which foods increase potency in men and what you should eat first.
Seafood that increases potency in men
There are many, but there are some that you must include in your diet. Schematically, in importance, this list can be presented as follows.
In the first place, products that increase potency in men are rightly sea fish and seafood. It is very good if there are mackerel and flounder on the table. Oysters and octopuses are welcome, they can be attributed to aphrodisiacs. Shellfish are rich in zinc, which is an important element in the process of testosterone synthesis.
Testosterone production also requires amino acids, which are found in large quantities here. Their use contributes not only to the activation of the synthesis of the male sex hormone, but also to the increase of spermatogenesis. Marine fish are rich in dopamine, which prevents premature ejaculation.
But not everyone can recommend oysters. Sea pleasures are contraindicated for people with a weakened immune system, who have a history of diabetes mellitus and low acid gastritis.
Seafood delicacies are better eaten raw. To give them a spicy taste, you can sprinkle the gift of the sea with lemon juice. All nutrients will remain unchanged.
Particleboard is known for its taste. It contains enough vitamins, amino acids and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the state of erection.
Mackerel contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are actively involved in testosterone synthesis. A decent amount of phosphorus, an element one of the actions of which is aimed at improving sexual function.
Meat products that increase potency
Meat dishes should take the main place in the diet of every man. Meat dishes are the main supplier of protein. The protein base of meat contributes to the production of thyroxine in the body, which actively participates in all oxidative processes that take place at the intracellular level. Useful horse meat, lamb, rabbit meat, poultry meat.
Fans of exotic food should eat fried rooster combs with ram testicles with minced thrush meat. The effect is simply amazing - such a dish effectively helps increase potency in men.
Camel stomach (rennet) can be attributed to potency products in fast-acting men. If you eat it, then your erection will certainly increase (the effect of rennet is reminiscent of Viagra). The only problem is its scarcity.
Also, this dish leads to an improvement in the qualitative composition of sperm. If it is introduced into the diet, then you can become a father even after 50 years.
The stomach of the camel is not subjected to heat treatment, it is eaten in small quantities half an hour before the intended sexual intercourse. Camel stomach tincture is also used: 100 g of product is put in a liter of vodka and infused for two weeks.
Potency-boosting vegetables
Vegetables in a wide range are products of natural origin that increase potency and generally have a positive effect on the body.
The main place in the set of vegetable products should be occupied by beets. These vegetables are literally filled with substances that improve the secretion and quality composition of semen. His seed has the same ability. Boiled beets can be used as an addition to various dishes. Useful combination of beets, carrots and honey. This 1/3 cup mixture should be eaten after each meal. Contraindicated in people with liver disease.
Very necessary for male strength and vegetables such as: beets, white cabbage, celery. All of them are able to increase libido.
Onions and garlic should also be an integral part of men's diet. It will be more effective if you eat dill and primrose at the same time. At the same time, the small pelvis is better supplied with blood. A strong erection is possible only in a healthy man. With general weakness and frequent illnesses, erections will be weak (in such a situation, we recommend that you do exercises to increase potency at home). And to prevent such cases, you need to eat 50 g of green onions every day. Acting as an aphrodisiac, onion enhances sexual desire.
Garlic is very useful. Serves as an excellent prevention of the occurrence and development of prostatitis. The positive effect of this vegetable on the nervous system has long been known. This is due to the high content of vitamin B1. Increases resistance to stress, and at the same time strengthens sexual function.
Garlic is able to dilate the vessels of the penis, which will increase blood flow and improve erections. These vegetables should be used with great care by those who have problems with the stomach and liver.
Potency nuts
The use of nuts of all varieties will increase potency. They contain zinc, magnesium, a large amount of vitamins. These products have a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system as a whole. Of the amino acid compositions, they contain the most arginine, which is necessary for the production of nitric oxide, which will ensure a good erection (erection is activated through nitric oxide).
Nuts are a very valuable product for male potency and lead to the normalization of basal metabolism and hormonal levels. Strengthens sexual function.
What nuts should you eat? Basically, all nuts are good. It is recommended to eat regularly, because they contain arginine, which enables the expansion of blood vessels. The blood supply, including the reproductive organs, increases. Arginine has a positive effect on the qualitative composition of semen, increases sperm motility. They also contain tocopherols, enough zinc and selenium. Without these elements, normal sexual activity is simply impossible.
We advise all representatives of the strong half of humanity to use honey and nuts for male potency.
Which fruit is good for male potency
For the normal implementation of sexual function, a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements must be delivered to the body. They contain fruit. Sometimes just using a fruit diet can improve sexual function. Using these natural products can restore sexual function. Of particular importance in this regard are fruits rich in folic and ascorbic acid.
Citrus fruits are excellent suppliers of ascorbic acid in the body. The body as a whole is strengthened and the sexual sphere becomes better. Mango, fig, kiwi and pomegranate are very useful.
Quail eggs for male potency
Another product of animal origin, in addition to meat, which is useful for male potency, are quail eggs. If there are sexual problems, then for such men quail eggs should become an indispensable ingredient in the daily diet (lead to increased libido). They contain all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
It is better to eat raw quail eggs. In this case, the possibility of salmonellosis should not be feared. The body temperature of quail is high and it is unpleasant for the development of salmonella.
It is necessary to drink up to 4 of these eggs a day, plus everything can be used in combination with other products to improve potency. Medical mixtures are also prepared on their basis.
Herbs and spices that increase male potency
When you are wondering which foods increase a man's potency, you should not forget about the various herbs and spices that you must eat for good male health. These herbal "helpers" include:
- Salted thyme (thyme). It is also called the plant of happiness. In moderate doses it can increase potency and prolong erotic pleasure.
- lady's grass. Eliminate conditions associated with mental stress and restore libido.
- Lemongrass. Stimulates sperm production. With its use, the overall tone will increase. Similar in action to eleutherococcus.
- Oats. It is used in the form of decoctions and infusions.
- Rosemary. It contains substances that are structurally similar to sex hormones. Leaves and branches are used.
- Thyme. You can make tea with him. It helps with sexual impotence.
- Common Dubrovnik. It has a stimulating effect on men.
- As spices it is possible to use ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom.
Alternative medicine for men's health
Many herbs can dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow and remove prostate obstruction. Here are some recipes for men that can increase sexual desire:
- Nettle helps a lot. It is used as an infusion. 100 g of crushed leaves are poured with 300 ml of boiling water in a volume of 300 ml. It is also used in the form of seeds. They are used in combination with red wine and honey.
- Ginseng root, which must be consumed with honey, has always been an unavoidable helper in this regard. Such a composition raises libido well.
- Thyme is considered one of the best remedies for the health of the strong half of humanity. It is even used to prevent prostatitis. Grass contains a lot of zinc, and it is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone. Inflorescences are applied. An infusion is prepared from them, which is taken in equal portions during the day.
- It is good to use celery. This plant is extremely rich in zinc. All parts of the plant are edible, including the root and stem. It is necessary to eat 100 g of this wonderful medicinal plant daily.
- The effect will surely come with regular use of garlic. Contains phytoncides that improve prostate function.
- Pasternak will eliminate congestive and inflammatory processes in the prostate.
- Calamus rhizome. With it, you can quickly achieve the desired result. It must be simply chewed or used as a tincture.
It is always necessary to remember that herbal treatment must be carried out correctly, accurately maintaining the dose. Failure to follow this rule may cause irreparable damage. In addition, many plants can be allergic. Therefore, before you start using medicinal herbs, it is better to consult a doctor. The health of the strong half of humanity must be treated carefully.